Bought a Sesame Street covered shoe

for Cepheus with an Elmo printed on top of it at OG yesterday.  Bought Cepheus out to buy the shoes as he was walking quite steadily without help around the house already for the past one week.  Thought that it may be good for him to walk around on his own so that we won't be so tiring when bringing him out.  The Crocs that i have bought him is a wee too bit for his size now and since he have yet to 101% steady (sometimes still wobbles abit).  It may be safer to have him wear a wrap around shoe for now.  He loves the shoe alot and the moment it was on, he started to walk around in his new shoe at OG while mummy brings the empty box to the cashier to pay.  It was a new found experience for Cepheus as he discovered his new found freedom and concentrated on walking.  When we walked to the Toys department, his eyes was full with glee and seems spoilt for choice.. But lucky for us, he was too engrossed in his new found hobby (walking) that he did not insists that we buy any toys for him yesterday.

Today, we brought him out to the neighbourhood to walk around and he was even more elated than yesterday.  He would walk repeatedly around a specific corner esp when there are staircases, whereby he will walk up and down the stairs repeatedly until Daddy carries him away.  He will also insists that both of us hold him by each of his hands and refused to let go until Mommy tells him to only hold on to one person, so that he can learn to walk more steadily on his own.. and he chose his Daddy to hold on.. Frownhahaha but it was more relax for me in that case and i do not need to always 'bend' down my body as it was really tiring since he wasnt tall enough for us to hold on with our body straighten up..

Cepheus is very smart boy, he knew that wearing shoes means going out.  We brought him to Dear's granny's place last night after shopping and to my Dad's place tonight and when Cepheus gets tired of the area, he will point to his daddy and wanting to put his shoe on.  Once he have his shoes on, he will keep pointing to the door telling us he wanted to leave and go was pretty amazing seeing him do that as he already associate wearing shoes with 'leaving' and 'getting out of the place'..Innocent

There will be more to come as Cepheus slowly discover his new found freedom on walking.. he already displayed authoritativeness tonight when he refused to go in our direction but his own direction and Daddy needs to carry him away so as to make him comply..of course he complied not without putting up a struggle and screams.. but it was really cute seeing him behaving that way.. well.. maybe not so cute after awhile more.. when he starts to run about and behaving like a spolit child in public in the near future..Undecided

I started to develop rashes on the top of my right palm since yesterday, it was mild at first but it got worse today and i found that it have somehow started to spread to my left hand and other parts of my body.  When i was pregnant with Cepheus a year ago, things wasnt that bad.. although i have a history of ezcema, the rashes wasnt this bad especially after medication and were only confined to the legs.  However, this time, the rashes seems to have got worse and spread to my hands as well as the legs.. I cant imagine the itch getting worse as it goes on and i already cant get to sleep tonight (so might as well watch the final of Spain vs Holland! Dear is watching it now as i am typing this and i heard someone screaming!!! Holland NEARLY scored..but only nearly..) .. tomorrow i shall see a doc and hopefully i can get some medication to apply to control the rash and itch from getting worse and best is to eliminate it totally!Cry


Kaeus also associates wearing shoes to going out. He will point or pull us to the main door after wearing shoes.

Haha... isnt it cute!!

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