At 11 months

Cepheus learnt to take some simple instructions as well as showing his affections.  He knew what is "NO".. although its up to him to comply to it anot.  He will cry in frustration when i told him 'NO' and i knew that he actually understands it.  But it is always up to his mood if he choose to comply to it..

Cepheus also learnt how to wave his hands when we say 'bye bye' and when we wave to him.  He will always smile and waved at us whenever anyone said bye bye and waved to him.. even to strangers when we go shopping..  

At 11 months, he also mastered how to clap and how to give things to us when we told him.  When he is extremely obedient, he will take heed of all commands and execute them promptly, however, when he is in frustration or impatience he will choose not to do so.. and he also do not like to execute the repeated instructions several times...haha kudos to the bull temper..

Although Cepheus already knew how to 'sayang' people for a while ago, he will use his forehead to lean and rub onto ours to signify 'sayang' as we do to him when we kiss him by using our lips and pressed against his face.  Today, however, Cepheus surprised us by crawling over to me himself and put his hands on my head and then lean his face towards mine while i am lying down, in doing so, he rubbed his lips and face onto my cheek and even rubbed a few times.  At first, i was so scared that i thought he wanted to beat me or scratched me with his hands again as he did that very often..i actually shut my eyes and even have the intention to siam his 'attack'.. but when he actually 'kisses' me, i was so touched.. We were so elated that for a moment, i felt so loved and touched and i felt that my son loves me when i have always thought that he only loves his daddy! and he actually repeated the action twice when his daddy told him to 'sayang mummy' again thereafter.. after which, we tried the same thing on his daddy, by telling 'sayang daddy', he actually crawled towards his daddy puts his hands on his body, knelt down and use his face to rub against his daddy's.  Today is a happy day for us as truly parents as we have been giving him so much love that finally we felt that it is reciprocated!!Cool

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So sweet n so touching...

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